4月底,北京乍暖还寒,大西北已热气蒸腾。4月下旬,外交部亚洲司第四届“周知中国”活动拉开帷幕。来自亚洲的驻华使节和高级别外交官们从北京出发,一路向西,前往甘肃省、宁夏回族自治区,开启大西北之旅。The fourth "All about China" public diplomacy event kicked off on April 22. A group of Asian diplomats traveled to northwestern China to truly experience the country. They departed from Beijing and headed westward to Gansu province and the Ningxia Hui autonomous region .一段山海情,让宁夏与世界共振行驶在银川市永宁县闽宁镇的街道上,“一生闽宁情”的标语随处可见。红砖赤瓦、燕尾山墙,屋顶被设计成两头尖尖翘起的福建民居坐落在道路两旁。The collaboration between Fujian province and Ningxia Hui autonomous region in poverty alleviation efforts aims to improve the development of impoverished regions. In the bustling streets of Yinchuan, the capital of northwestern China's Ningxia Hui autonomous region, the slogan "A Life-Long Bond between Fujian-Ningxia" adorns the landscape. Traditional Fujian-style architecture with red bricks, tiled roofs, and upturned eaves line the roadsides.驻华外交官们来到闽宁镇,参访闽宁镇新貌展示中心,了解东西部扶贫协作的“闽宁模式”,体会两地二十余载接续奋斗的山海情,也看到两地教育、经贸等合作结出累累硕果。Minning, located in Yinchuan, is a model town that showcases China's most successful poverty alleviation efforts through paired assistance between eastern and western regions in China. It has once again come into the spotlight following China's recent emphasis on common prosperity.这样的故事,不只在中国的大西北上演,世界也为之共振。在驻华外交官眼中,闽宁镇的故事有怎样的含义?“中国不愿意邻居受苦,这是中国哲学的一部分,印度尼西亚和中国一样有发展不平衡的问题,我想我们能学习很多,”印度尼西亚驻华使馆公使衔参赞乐爱薇分享了自己的感受。"China is unwilling to see its neighbors suffer and this is part of Chinese philosophy. Indonesia, like China, also faces issues of uneven development. I believe there is much we can learn from each other," said Nur Evi Rahmawati, the minister counselor of the Indonesian Embassy in China.“新质生产力”,高质量发展的要诀“授人以渔”的对口扶贫,离不开产业发展。发展何种产业,才能因地制宜地发挥地域特色?几十年前,宁夏西海固地区的村民学习菌草技术,种植的蘑菇销往全国各地;几十年后,生产力不断更新升级,中国的大西北,成为发展“新质生产力”的热土。外交官们如何理解“新质生产力(new quality productive forces)”?这个来自中国的热词,又与他们所代表的国家和地区有何关联?新兴技术、数字经济、绿色能源都是解法。柬埔寨驻华大使宋嘉薇参观明阳智慧绿色能源装备制造企业在参观甘肃省酒泉市当地绿色能源产业时,巴基斯坦驻华使馆副馆长比拉尔·乔杜里细致观察,总是向讲解员询问细节,他提到:“巴基斯坦与中国一直有非常强的合作关系,中国方法可以助力解决巴基斯坦的问题。”During a visit to some local green energy industries in Jiuquan, Gansu province, Bilal Chaudhary, the minister and deputy chief of mission of the Pakistan Embassy in China, was the most attentive. He closely observed the new technologies on display. "Pakistan has always had a very strong cooperative relationship with China. I truly believe that Chinese methods can help solve Pakistan's problems," he said.比拉尔·乔杜里向技术人员提问蒙古驻华使馆参赞钢巴亚尔在参访大禹节水集团股份有限公司后,他提到:“蒙古最大的问题就是节水,所以我非常关注大禹展示的技术......甘肃与蒙古都是戈壁地貌,我一定要好好学习这里的经验,把它们带回去。”Danzan-Ayush Gangbayar, the counsellor of the Mongolian Embassy in China, also focused on technologies: "Mongolia's biggest challenge lies in water management, which is why I am closely following the technologies showcased by the company... both Gansu and Mongolia share desert landscapes, and I am determined to learn from the experiences here and bring them back."在宁东能源化工基地,外交官们详细了解当地充分利用煤炭资源优势,以科技创新推动传统产业升级和可持续发展的故事,对煤炭通过现代煤化工技术,能“摇身一变”成为衣服、化妆品、医疗用品甚至航空航天用品赞叹不已,也对“社会主义是干出来的,幸福是奋斗出来的”深有感触。在甘肃省兰州新区现代农业示范园花卉产业基地,正在直播的一名电商主播,对着手机镜头讲述:“我希望大西北的玫瑰被更多人看见。”这一刻,至少来自亚洲的一群外交官了解了西北鲜花的魅力,他们会告诉远方的朋友:“中国的大西北地区也能种出鲜花”。At a flower industry site in the modern agricultural demonstration park in Lanzhou New Area, Gansu province, a live-streaming anchor said, "I hope that the roses of northwestern China can attract more people." At least, a group of diplomats appreciated the allure of northwestern flowers. "Lanzhou is also capable of cultivating beautiful blooms."西北鲜切玫瑰飘香四海,这里的玫瑰不仅在当地销售,也会通过“线上+线下”渠道销往全国乃至海外。看到基地一角的直播间,柬埔寨大使宋嘉薇打趣:“现在一切都在互联网上了!”手拿鲜花,乐爱薇提到:“印度尼西亚和中国一样,都有很浓的数字经济氛围......两地都很容易能在线上购买到产品。”"In Indonesia, like China, there is a strong e-commerce atmosphere... Both places can purchase products online easily," Rahmawati said.乐爱薇举着甘肃省兰州新区花卉产业基地的鲜花另一边,在黄沙飞扬的腾格里沙漠中卫光伏大基地,“宁湘直流”配套1300万千瓦洗能源基地矗立于此。它于2023年5月24日开建,是我国首条以开发沙漠光伏大基地、输送新能源为主的特高压输电通道。当地工作人员介绍:“它同时实现了既治沙,又能新能源发电,下方是草方格,上方是光伏板,通过光伏板遮盖阳光,减少水分蒸发等方式,为沙漠蓄水。”基地周围,矗立着“社会主义是干出来的”“因地制宜发展新质生产力”的标牌。在甘肃酒泉金塔县,戈壁地貌,干旱缺水,风大沙多,生态环境脆弱。当地扎实推进防沙治沙和防护林工程。昔日滚滚流沙变成沙区绿洲。甘肃省酒泉市金塔县戈壁滩面对戈壁滩上的防护林,老挝驻华使馆参赞靳达望想起了一句话:“绿水青山就是金山银山”。他说自己从小就曾听闻“中国会把沙漠变成公园”,但亲自来到这里,才有了真正体会。Facing the Gobi Desert, Chindavong, the counselor of the Lao Embassy in China, recalled the saying "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets." He mentioned that he had heard of this phrase since he was young, that "China will turn deserts into parks". However, it was only when he personally visited the area that he truly understood the significance.“中国方法”不止惠及自身,也为其他国家提供了一张可描摹的蓝图。The Chinese method has always extended beyond benefiting itself, also providing a replicable blueprint for other countries.中国宁夏回族自治区与蒙古巴彦洪格尔省是友好省区,两地积极推进防风治沙技术交流合作。在宁夏中卫市沙坡头沙漠研究试验站,中卫市西郊林场场长唐希明向外交官们展示了自己钻研了30多年的防沙技术,他用扎麦草方格的方法牢牢锁住肆意流动的沙丘,再向一米见方的草方格里播撒草籽。来自蒙古的钢巴亚尔熟练上手,很快扎出了像模像样的草方格。Ningxia Hui autonomous region and Bayankhongor province in Mongolia have long been collaborating on advancing windbreak and desertification technologies. In the Shapotou district of Zhongwei city, Tang Ximing, the head of a sand stabilization tree farm, demonstrated how to create a straw checkerboard on a dune. He had visited Mongolia to teach the locals the technique of weaving grass grids. Ganbayar, the counsellor of the Mongolian Embassy in China, showcased his talent in this technique for the first time.看完唐希明的教学展示,靳达望由衷地感叹了一声,“社会主义真的是干出来的!”"After seeing Tang Ximing's teaching demonstration, I truly believe that socialism is achieved through hard work!" Chindavong said.文化,一种共通的语言一座城市的“热辣滚烫”,往往要搭上互联网这趟“快车”。三月初,甘肃天水麻辣烫的鲜、香、麻、辣,走进了国人心里,天水政府为了接住这一波“流量”,特地设置麻辣烫公交专线。文莱驻华使馆外交官赛福鼎也品尝了天水麻辣烫:“第一次来甘肃,昨天尝试了天水麻辣烫,真的好吃!”年初,哈尔滨迎接“南方小土豆”成为外媒竞相报道的热点话题,新加坡、香港地区旅游业都表示从哈尔滨当地政府待客之道中,学到一课——是谓“以人为本”。在人的一生中,有很多“第一次”:第一次品尝一碗天水麻辣烫,第一次被莫高窟惊艳,第一次见证沙漠变绿洲,第一次品尝到西北朔风的滋味,这些瞬间被定格的时候,咔嚓,存档:这就是一张“人生照片”。在西北大地的日子里,我给外交官们拍了许多张“人生照片”。来看,这些照片背后的故事。比拉尔·乔杜里手举敦煌夜市小贩为他写的“巴基斯坦”比拉尔·乔杜里手拿着一张写了“巴基斯坦”毛笔字的宣纸,这是夜市上正在以直播形式推广自家产品的商贩给他写的,他一边看小贩书写,一边反复说:“巴铁,巴铁!”In Dunhuang night market, Bilal holds a paper with "Pakistan" written in Chinese calligraphy by a local vendor live-streaming his products. As he watched the vendor write, he repeatedly said, "iron-clad friendship," emphasizing the strong bond between China and Pakistan.文化相融,民心相通。斯里兰卡使馆外交官桑朱曾在重庆师范大学学习过一年中文,中文十分流利,除了莫高窟,今年三月份,她还游览了洛阳龙门石窟:“当我看到莫高窟壁画时,我看到的是异域文明与中国文化的相融。”After visiting the Mogao Grottoes, Sanju, the second secretary of the Sri Lankan Embassy in China, had studied Chinese for a year at Chongqing Normal University and was very fluent in the language. "(Mogao Grottoes) showcase the foreign civilization, how it merged with Chinese civilization," she said.斯里兰卡驻华使馆外交官桑朱打卡莫高窟柬埔寨驻华大使宋嘉薇提到,自己在工作中,常常思考如何加强国家间的互信。她认为,方法之一就是加强人文沟通:“中柬之间有太多可以相互交流之处......我们来到敦煌,参观了这么多地方,柬埔寨同样有很多地方值得中国人去游览,这对加强文化交流至关重要。”"We have visited so many places in Dunhuang, and Cambodia also has many places worth visiting for Chinese people. It is so important for promoting cultural changes, and this is not just about China and Cambodia," Soeung Rathchavy, the Cambodian Ambassador to China, said at a meeting with local officials in Dunhuang.柬埔寨驻华大使宋嘉薇与敦煌副市长原娜交流参观甘肃博物馆时,比拉尔·乔杜里习惯性拿起本子和笔,记录讲解员提到有关青铜器的知识,他说:“记录这些,是为了帮助我更好地理解中国”。在敦煌书局接受记者采访时,他还表示:“感谢这一次旅程,巴基斯坦和中国会在人文、商贸之间加强更多的联系......正如我们的兄弟情一样。”During a visit to the Gansu Museum, Bilal took out his notebook to record the information provided by the guide about the ancient Chinese artifacts. "Recording these details is to help me better understand China," he said.老挝驻华使馆参赞靳达望身穿杭州亚运会纪念服一座城市的文化“有温度”,才能留住旅客的心。编辑:左卓 商桢见习记者:李涵萌摄影:李涵萌